Saturday 21 June 2014


Yesterday marked a week of self harm free pretty proud of myself lets see how long it lasts. just got to fight the urges to recover slowly don't get me wrong in this week a have had the blade in my hand ready to make the cut that would ruin the streak. I keep telling myself i am better than that and think about the people that want me to recover. Over this week it has been hard because i have wanted to feel pain so i came up with this it has probably been used by other people but the idea is to sit against the wall with nothing to support you underneath just the wall. The pain in your legs hurts like hell, but it is worth it if it isnt causing damaging self harm. On the plus side it also tones your legs so it is a win win situation you get pain and can tone your legs.

I am now on holiday till september (if i go back) i have very little support over the next two months this is when I find out if i am strong enough to survive it

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