Sunday 15 June 2014

Day 7 (list 10 activities that help you calm down?)

Sorry been away for a few days but i am going to get back on track and complete this thing

7) list 10 activities that help you calm down?

1) Make loom bands (at the moment) very therapeutic and relaxes me 

2) Go for a wee sleep

3) Read a book so i can escape the really world and become one of the main characters in the book

4) Go outside whether that be a little walk, a run or a wee skate

5) Listen to some up beat music

6) Go for a shower or hot bubble bath

7) Talk to someone who is supporting me in recovery as they are able to reason with me

8)  Look up happy quotes or recovery quotes

9)  Paint my nails cause when they are wet your hands are busy and will ruin your nails

10)  Just breathing while listening to relaxation music.

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