Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 17: (do you know anyone who self harms (don't have to mention names)?)

do you know anyone who self harms (don't have to mention names)?

I dont know anyone who self harms at the moment but have known people who have previously done it. One of these people who is 5 years older than me told me that if i was struggling with the emotional pain that i should try self-harming remembering i was only 15 at this point and this person been 20. I listened to this person but now i regret it

The other two people told me they self-harmed, I had been doing it for two years so i knew how hard it was to stop but at the time no-one knew how much trouble i was in, i supported them and give them advice to take the steps to recovery but was never able to take that advice on myself. Now they have recovered and they have thanked me but i am still struggling these two people still dont know i do

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