Thursday 19 June 2014

Day 10 (how do you feel about your scars?)

Well lets start by saying I am going to do two post today one now and one later because I am bored now and behind schedule.

 how do you feel about your scars?

Scars show me I have had a past there they are battle wounds but I don't see this all the time.

I cover them a lot because people are so judgemental like recently I was roasting on the bus and I mean like 28 degrees (which is hot for Scotland) so I took my cardigan off I was near enough at the back of the bus so I didn't see the issue as no-one was around me. However once we got to Thorton, a young woman got on the bus with her child, she turned to me and said can you cover those hideous marks you are scaring me kid. It wasn't the statement that offended me it was the way she said it. She didn't know me or what I have been through if she probably knew she wont react in this way. It was the fact the kid came over and sat in the seat next to me and said 'my cousin has those marks too'.

If we educated our children about mental health problems from a very young age there wont be so much as an issue about explain to them

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