Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 1 (how long have you been self harming? discuss why you started )

how long have you been self harming? discuss why you started 

I have been self harming for 5 years. I started because when i was 14 i had been bullied from the age of 8 all the way through primary school which is age 5 to 11 then through my high school career which is aged 11 to 18, it all became to much. At that time i didn't really know it was self harm it was just banging and pulling my hair in frustration or anger, it felt good to be in control of my own pain and not rely on other people to give me the pain. My parents had no time to speak to me on how i felt they were too interest in their foster daughter (who is now been adopted in to my family). I had no-one to talk to, i didnt even think my friends were really my friends so i hid it from them on how unhappy i was. Didnt make that first cut till i was 16 i needed to feel pain and see blood. At this time i had set up Facebook and Twitter accounts but this gave the bullies more places to attack me they would say things like 'i wish you were dead' ' you dont deserve to live' ' you are a waste of oxygen' which made me feel even worse. I also had a controlling boyfriend who decide ever thing for me including what i wore, who i hanged around with and when i had to see him. My life was out of control. My friend of 8 years turned against me and picked on me in front of my group of friends I couldn't handle it any more. 

I had no friends, family change on me and hardly spoke to me. self harm was my best friend i even give my 'tool' a name to make it more like a friend

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