Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day 5 (what part of self harm do you dislike the most?)

what part of self harm do you dislike the most?

I have many things I dislike about self harming

1) Scars : probably everyone who does it feels this way, the reason i hate them is because is soon as the cuts turn to scars i want the cuts back but them hate myself for cutting again it is such a viscous circle

2) Looks : When I go through a stage of recovery where there are no fresh cuts I will walk about with my scars on show but people have no respect and stare at them constantly. That is the thing that makes me cover up.

3) Emotions : i hardly ever show emotion apart from happy so everyone thinks your fine while underneath the sleeves your are everything apart from fine.

4) Attention Seeker : when people see my cuts and scars by accident call me an attention seeker if this was true i would cut in front of your face not late at night while everyone else is sleeping .

5) Notice : when people notice the cuts and scars but no one seems to notice how much pain you are in and act like everything is okay. This usually happpens when i am around my parents which isnt very often.

They are just a few things i hate about it but cant stop it hurts me to know i cant

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