Friday 27 June 2014

Day 18 ( write a letter to the future (recovered you) ?)

 write a letter to the future (recovered you) ?

Hello Future me

well you are struggling the now (27/06/14) with self harming you had just manage to break a streak you were 12 days in to not cutting but relapsed yesterday and today, you dont know where you stand at the moment but by the time you read this letter i hope every struggle you are facing has passed.

I seriously hope you have settled down either in work or a family thats my biggest wish for you just now but will likely to change over these next few year.

coping has always been a big issue for you but not anyone you have learnt to talk about how you are feeling, you have tossed the last blade in the bucket, you always kept it just encase you need it but you dont need it anymore, you have people who want to support you and care about you yeah it not your parents it more your friends but that is okay your friends are always there if you want to talk to them.

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