Monday 30 June 2014

Day 21 (have you ever tried to stop in the past? what are you doing differently this time?)

have you ever tried to stop in the past? what are you doing differently this time?

I have only tried to stop once because when my school found out that i did it, the teachers would check my wrists first thing in the morning and after lunch. I hate this so i found the best way to get of it was to stop doing it for a while even though i had stop cutting i was finding pain in other ways that weren't that noticeable such as staving myself and forcing myself into solid objects. This was my schools idea of helping, after they stop checking i just restarted the process and i promised myself i would never ever tell anyone or ask for help again that was till September of 2013.

To be honest i am not really trying to give it up fully this is really me trying to get back in control of it, because i still have the urge to cause pain to myself, this way i have a reason to look after myself cause no-one cares about me and sometimes i dont care about myself so self-harming is my way to care and patch myself back up.

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