Tuesday 8 July 2014

Day 29 ( what support do you have?)

What support do you have.

The support i have at the minute is almost non-existent, apart from two close mates that are standing by me the whole time.

When i am at college i have the support of my tutors and guidance. To be honest i am not letting guidance help me in the beat way they could, be refering me to other agencies i think this may be because i dont feel like i am worthy of help when someone else could be really worth it cause the may have everything going for them,may be more intelligent than me, more pretty i just dont know anymore

Monday 7 July 2014

Day 28 (what short term goals do you have?)

what short term goals do you have?

Survive, breathe, stay strong

They three are the most important ones at the minute cause i have nothing else so have to stay focus.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Day 27 ( discuss any and all progress you have made?)

 discuss any and all progress you have made?

Since starting out of this little blogging challenge i thought i was going to stay clean to i comleted it but that never happened, I cant seem to give it up when ever i try given it up i seems to shout my name louder than when i am not. It seems to control me more than i do it.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Day 26 (what is something that makes you the most happy?)

what is something that makes you the most happy?

Not much makes me happy anymore its all pretend, however when it comes to happy is it always something i can escape with such as a good book, music and a walk,

Books: i can just become one of the characters and get lost in the book for hours at a time

Music: finding song that relate to my current situation make me feel less alone, or songs that are upbeat just relax my mind and i am able to stop listening to the negative thoughts.

Walks:  the fresh air gives me a chance to breathe properly and detox my lungs, when i am indoors i feel trapped and struggling to breathe. Walks accompanied with music helps me escape even more.

Friday 4 July 2014

Day 25: (do you know any statics about self harm?)

do you know any statics about self harm?

I dont know many stats apart from like 1 in 4 young people do it, i only know this because i was doing a radio project on it so need some information

Thursday 3 July 2014

Day 24 (what are some of your main triggers why?)

What are some of your main triggers why

I have many trigger that effect me.

1) stress which is the majority of my life
2) feeling any emotion other emotion apart from been happy
3) punishment, i punish myself if something has happen such as a fall out or not getting the grade i went out to achieve

They three main one, but have many others. I dont know why but the first two make me feel crappy and need something to take away the inside pain. The third one is just something i have acostumed myself too

Wednesday 2 July 2014